According to Gelman & Gallistel (1978) The one-one principle: There is a distinct counting word to match each of the items counted. The stable-order principle: The list of words must be consistent. The cardinal principle: The final word tells us how many there are in the number of items counted. The abstraction principle: You can count any collection of objects whether real or imaginary. The order irrelevance principle: It doesn’t matter what order you count in as long as you count each object only once you will get the same result.
Artistic expression is a way of communication and representation that uses different techniques and art materials that favour and enrich the creative process. Podemos diferenciar tres etapas: THE SCRIBBLING STAGE (1-3 years) - Disordered scribbles: First disordered scribbles are simply records of enjoyable kinesthetic activity, not attempts at portraying the visual world. -Ordered scribbles: After six months of scribbling, marks are more orderly. -Name scribbles: Soon they begin to name scribbles, an important milestone in development. THE PRESCHEMATIC STAGE (3-5 years) During this stage the schema (the visual idea) is developed. The drawings show what the child perceives as most important about the subject. There is little understanding of space. The use of color is more emotional than logical. THE SCHEMATIC STAGE (5-9 years) At this stage, there is a definite order in space relationships: everything sits on the base line. ¿Sabríais diferenciar a qué etapa pertenece cada uno de los si...
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